Kamis, 21 April 2011


Buat temen-temen 12.2M.04 yang kesulitan untuk menjawab soal-soal perancangan basis data, kamu-kamu bisa download kunci jawabannya di sini:


kalo ada yang salah, notify me ya..
selamat mencontek mengerjakan! ;)

Jumat, 15 April 2011

Hi there...!!! long time not see..

Hi there..!!!

Long time not see...

“CUT IT OUT...!!! We’ve already sick of read it...!”

Maybe that’s the expression that you guys would convey when reading my first two lines. Heel yeah! It’s no wonder, since this is my another-time-filler-post in my blog – typically me. It’s been two weeks since my last post – what an unproductive blogger, pity me. Sob.

“#pencetidung #buangingus *usap airmata #everythingsgonnabeokay *lambaikan saputangan”.

Ups… my bad. A lil’ bit of mixed and bunch of twisted over here. FYI, that’s strange line is a way how people (me included) express themselves in twitter (#DamnItsTrue said that it’s an abbreviation of Tell What I’m Thinking To Everyone Reading. Though I haven’t seen any strong evidence to confirm this theorem, I think this line of words is quite representative to best describe what twitter really is).

You’ll never get to the place you long for…

Unless you walk the path that guides you there… - Sevtigo, 15.04.2011

Well, as you guys know (or don’t know), I’m a man who is no good when dealing with words. Not words from Microsoft. Not that Ms. Words – in fact, I’m so damn good at it. #sombongkauanakmudahere it goes again. Sometimes it’s cross my mind to write about Words. Yeah, maybe I’m going to write some tips and tricks using Microsoft Words. I’m going to write a lot! Yippee! Yippee! Yippee!. “But, what is the point if there’s no one read it?” I keep questioning myself. *mendadak #suramhere’s come the other, sigh. Let’s go back to the topic. Despite of my lacking in writing, I still have a strong will to become a legendary blogger –just like Naruto who deadly want to become a hokage.I really envy those peoples who enjoy to live their blogging life, namely Mr. Sedjatee, Bunda Mahes, Uda Riki, Aa’ Jon and another long list of blogger which is hard for me to name them all. Actually, I’m writing this post after doing a little walk to Uda Riki, Bunda Mahes, and Mr. Sedjatee’s Blog. It’s really a mind-blowing journey in a galaxy filled with star words you’ve never heard before. Exaggerating yet touch your heart mildly. It’s not a compliment. I’m feeling it, for real. And I, from the deep of my heart, -*lebay to the max– want to be able to write posts like them. Share and care would be my blog's vision. However, one post a week is a great start I think.

Sometimes, passion needs patience…

Cuz rush often make you crush... sevtigo, 15.04.2011

Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

"if i promise not to kill you, can i have a hug?"

hari ini baca profil facebook seorang sahabat lamaku.. di kolom about me-nya tertulis:

"if i promise not to kill you, can i have a hug?"

waw.. seketika aku berdecak kagum..
karena penasaran.. ya seperti biasa.. tak 'googling' aja..
ternyata eh ternyata..
rupanya itu kalimat di salah satu komik emo kenamaan..
pas coba pake fasilitas search imagex google..
aku menemukan satu gambar yang menarik..
kalimatnya simple.. tapi sering kali aku (atau mungkin kamu juga) sering merasakannya..
then i decided to post it on my blog.. hoping that someone who know me best will do it..
for me..
check this out..

Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

How to Tell 'I Love You' in @L4y mode: ON

Hi there..!!!

long time not see..

how's life..??

hope you guys doin' just fine..

hayhay.. tak afdhol rasanya jika tak mengakhiri paceklik post (di blog) saya ini dengan monolog.. untaian kalimat retoris yang rasanya tak etis jika hanya sekedar pemanis dari bibirku yang tipis (sound fx: emmh..emmh...emmmh..).

Oke. Kayaknya cukup sama @L4y-nya.. ntar pada like a G61 semua lagi.

Enough is Enough – Samuel L. Jackson

back to the topic. Sesuai dengan judul di atas2 i just want to tell someone3:

i love you. :*

#wink, #chin, #point, #kiss-bye

*nggak puas karena alaynya kurang greget..??? kurang berasa??? tunjukin cara kamu nyatakan cinta dengan '@L4y 2 da MaX' versi kamu di kolom komeng dibawah ini.. #EkspresikanAksimu

R u 4L@y e-Nough?

1Nge-fly; terbang tinggi.

2Waktu nulis ini “di atas” tuh nggak ada apa-apanya a.k.a 'kosong'

3My dearest beloved wife