Selasa, 16 November 2010

Berpetualang di Ionopolis

Kyaa...!!! akhirnya balik nge-blog lagi.. haha.. butuh tempat menumpahkan stress gara-gara gak bisa kerja dan gak bisa ngapa-ngapain.. lho kok gak bisa kerja?? Iya.. Aplikasi yang biasa kupakai tuk mengerjakan tugas.. lagi maintenance.. *jiah bahasa lu tong!* hee.. gara-gara ngupdate data tuh aplikasi di Bandung, pas mo restore databasex bermasalah.. simpel sih.. gara-gara beda platform.. tapi penanganannya itu loh.. ribeud.. jadi pengen bisa MS. SQL Server dan segenap perangkat aplikasi database dari Mikocok itu.. gak enak nunggu kerja bergantung ma orang.. iya klo orang itu gak sibuk.. lha.. klo orang nyang bisa bantu nanganin itu super sibuk.. atau sukanya

“Sante wae cah..
gampang itu..”
haha. no offense- sementara orang-orang dah pada teriak..
“Woi.. kok yang ini gak update sih.. yang itu juga..!!! kan udah dikasih dari minggu kemaren datanya..!!”
Haaa.. Preeet..!!!

Bang kerak ngintip pas aye bikin paragraf pertama diatas..

“Cie.. curhat ya..”
ledeknya.. dasar bang kerak..!! huasem.. :p. Back to the story, nah tadi tuh lantaran gi ga ngapa-ngapain *gagap kerja*.. numpang browsing di desktopx pangeran bakongan.. liat-liat bookmarkx.. eh ada chikenstrip.. blog yang udah lama gak aye tengok.. nah pas lagi blogwalking *btw, blogwalking apaan sih?* eh ada artikel yang ngebahas game ionopolis. Suatu kata yang belakangan ini agak familiar dengan mataku.. YA..!!! tepat sekali.. itu adalah kata yang setiap hari kulihat ketika harus merayap melewati perempatan –atau persepuluhan- pancoran. Iklan pocari yang satu itu emang dah lama bikin penasaran.. lantaran gak da waktu buat browsing yang ‘macem-macem’ aja jadi belum sempet cari tau apa makna dibalik iklan billboard yang terpampang megah di dekat patung pancoran itu.

Baca dibaca.. eh lupanya hadiahnya lumayan lho.. apalagi gara-gara si niwat0ri ngebawain tuh artikel persuasif banget.. jadi pengen nyoba maen juga.. bayangin aja.. ampe ngebela-belain bikin foursquare tuk ikut game itu.. karena ada salah satu cara ngelawan penjahat dengan check pada lokasi tertentu.. *agak lebay sih, ngapain juga bapak beranak satu ngikut nyang begitu-begituan*.

Nah.. game ini sendiri menggunakan mode interface seperti komik.. seperti cerita yang kita ikut serta didalamnya.. dihalaman awal setelah login anda akan dihadapkan pada halaman utama dimana ada sambutan dari pocariman.. terus cara dapetin hadiah ke jepun.. sama lanjut ke tiga misi pertama.. nah.. kamu akan diberi modal power *baca: hydration meter* 100% yang akan direcharge harian.. artinya.. jika hari itu kamu kehabisan cairan tubuh.. a.k.a dehidrasi kamu gak bisa ngelawan musuh-musuh di game tersebut. Keterangan lengkap game tersebut bisa kamu lihat diblognya si ayam aneh itu *tersangka yang telah meracuniku*.

Kamu bisa klik START MISION! Untuk memulai petualang kamu di negeri ionopolis.. selanjutnya.. SELAMAT BERMAIN.. oh iya.. Cuma mo share dikit pengalaman main game ini.. dihari ini *hari pertama ku bermain* aku pilih lokasi OUTDOOR.. ada dua pilihan musuh.. nah.. sebagai awalan, aku pilih si PICNICO sebagai musuhku.. aku pilih trivia sebagai cara untuk melawannya.. rupanya aku dihadapkan pada pertanyaan sekitar kegiatan outdoor..

pertanyaan level 1:

makanan yang biasa dibawa dan dimakan bersama ketika kita piknik adalah?

a. lunchbox

b. blablablabla (aku lupa apa yang ini)

c. rantangan.

Nah.. dengan pedenya aku jawab A.. sialnya.. salah!!! Dan hidrometerku berkurang 15!!! Ha.. berfikir sejenak.. oh mungkin bahasa kerennya kali “RANTANGAN”, kata yang sering digunakan ibuku ketika menyiapkan bekal tuk piknik.. eh.. salah juga.. d*mn!! Ilang deh 30.. pas ku jawab B eh.. bener.. dan walaupun ku menjawab bener.. tetep kepotong 15.. *baru ngeh klo setiap action kita itu membutuhkan 15 hidrometer* -__-‘’a

Wal hasil.. dengan ketidakngehan ku itu.. baru bisa nyampe level 2 lawan si Picnico.. dan hidrometerku menunjukan angka 10.. hahahaha.. haaaaaaseeeemm... -___-“a klo yang udah nyoba.. dishare ya pengalamannya berpetualang di dunia ionopolis..!!!

*semangat ngebog abis baca blog nya oom jon, thank oom :D

sumber gambar:

Rabu, 25 Agustus 2010



Lagi iseng-iseng aja googling nama sendiri (sekali lagi bukan narsis, hanya iseng) eh ketemu blog ane yang di wordpress gan.. ane aja yang punya lupa pernah punya tuh blog.. baru keingetan kenapa gak pernah pake blog WP lagi.. lantaran ane lupa passwordnya gan..

nah tadi ane coba-coba beberapa password yang agak kurang familiar.. eh masuk gan.. (setelah percobaan yang kedua sih). hmm.. jadi binun neeh.. should i just keep up with my recently created blog.. or should i continue with my old one.. cuz both of them have their own unique.. couldn't be compared.. just like apple to banana..

anyway.. i'll try to post in both of it.. don't bother any repost.. you can leave just right away if you find that my post is repost from my another blog..

one more thing.. don't forget to visit my blog..
have fun..!!! :D

Senin, 23 Agustus 2010

Nitip Lapak ya Yah... (^_^)

Hallooo.. semua temen2x ayah..
haha.. bunda numpang dagang nih..
monggo diliat-liat.. klo tertarik, jangan lupa diorder yawh.. :D
nitip lewat ayah juga bisa kuk.. cekidot gan..!!

1. Baju Muslim Anak-Anak Bahan Katun Super Cute

Tersedia ukuran bervariasi mulai dari 5 - 12 tahun
Harga terjangkau, mulai dari 60.000 - 70.000 IDR/Pc

Untuk yang perempuan juga ada lho...
Harga dikisaran 55.000 s.d. 70.000 IDR/Pc

2. Baju Muslim Anak-Anak Bahan Kaos Super Cool

Ukuran tersedia dari 6 bln s.d. 5 thn
Harga mulai dari 37.500 - 45.000 IDR/Pc

Klo tertarik.. jangan lupa hubungi ayahnya Ichigo ya..
Thank You..
Wasalamualaykum (^_^)

Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2010

The Story of Bunda Mahes

It’s been two days since my last post –yes, that very not like post. Yesterday, Bunda Mahes asked me why I didn’t blog another post. Here’s come the conversation:

“Mana nih blognya..? kuk gak nulis lagi”, she said.

“Ga tau nih…, ga ada ide.. mo ditulisin apa nih? Do you have any idea?” I replied. I was asking her suggestion about topic for me to write. Back then, I was thinking: If she said “just write random things...” I will definitely write about her.

“Mmmm… ga tau.. apa aja deh..”, she continued.

As I thought, I had anticipated that she would say such a thing. I didn’t expect much from her (hehe, just kiddin’ Bunes –abbr. of Bunda Mahes :p). So here I am, writing down all I know about her –though I don’t know her too much.

Here it goes…

Bunda Mahes is one of my working partners. Some people (or it’s just me :p)may think she’s a delinquent girl, but she’s not. Trust me. It’s just in her blood –she’s a descendant of Madura Tribe[1]. She’s a very talk active girl. Sometimes, her words are kinda sharp –or I’d rather say straightforward. Even so, she brings a lot of joys to our working environment. Our office room will be so much quieter in a whole different level of hilarity when she’s not around.

Bunda Mahes is really loved and adore her husband. I bet you guys will think that her husband is Sharukh Khan at your first sight –I did thought that her boo was Sharukh Khan, fool me. You guys will know how much she love him just by reading her blog (visit it!). Her blog content random things start from her cook to actual headline stories. Though, most of her blogs contain various stories around her beloved son, Mahes. I’m not sure whether you’ll have a hard time to find the post that I mean or not.

Lately, I found out that one of her favorite movies genre is Bollywood[2] –kind of acha-acha-mecca-mecca-janne-janne things- which one of its shining stars is Sharukh Khan. Is it coincidence? I smell something fishy here. Well, we’ll just leave it. Oh yeah, almost forget one more thing, her husband is also have the same taste of movies –what a couple, I wish my wife love Anime just like I did. A few weeks ago, they both (Bunda Mahes and her husband) directed a video of their son performing modified Indian dancer (mixed with Ngebor Style). Like son like father, like son like mother. Bollywood addicted family –Nice.

However, I feel very glad to know her. She shares a lot of her precious experiences to us, her friend. She really loves to share the joy of having a family, encourage the jomblo and jomblowati in our office to get married soon. Next time, I’ll tell you guys the story of another my co-worker, the jomblo and jomblowati of PP12.

Share the joy, Save the earth.

[1] It is a tribe which (in Indonesia) is known for its harshness. No offense. But, most people around me are told me that way. Though, I disagree with the statement that judging people’s personality trait just by it race. It doesn’t make any senses for me.

[2] Indian Movies Industries –The Hollywood of India.

Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010

I'm not a good prayer, why should i preach other.

It's only about 50 minutes before the time for me to preach at MBM Purnawarman. Still don't have any idea 'bout what i'm goin' to talk. i've already read a lot of books for my preach , yet not find what kind of topic to bring about. but still, i have to try. Lost in panic, i asked Uda Riki to exchange his scedule with mine. At first, he said that he would try it. But then, he sent messages through GTalk:

"ane udah mampir Gan (referring to my new blog).
semoga sukses ya, Gan..

Well, at last i'll just go for it. Go Tigo Go Tigo Go..!!! (encouraging my self)

Selasa, 17 Agustus 2010


Banker, i beg your apologize for not posting shoutout on twitter using hashtag #indonesia65 -except for just one. Is it became trending topic? i'm so sorry Indonesia.

Unleash: Hello World (again) XD

Well, it’s been a long time since my last time wrote an article in a blog. Actually, I’m not really good in writing, but I never stop to start one. Actually, I have a very unpleasant experience with a blog. Before I decide to publish this one, I’ve already have 5ive –if I don’t miscount. But, it’s always ended up lying waste. My plan was to split the topic into my five blog. Since I lack of motivation, none of it work out.

Besides of my lacking motivation, there are three main reasons that make my (previous) blog stop publishing, namely: my dullness in writing, my ungrammatical English, and my moody woodpecker. I’d love to write so many things, unfortunately my skill in writing is no better that a new born baby. Don’t blame me if you get lost in the jungle of my hilarious words. This one is the worst; I want to write a lot of articles in English yet my English is bad. If you still doesn’t understand –or still don’t get- what the heck I’m talking about. Yes. That’s what I mean. My English is out of reach. Bet it’s hard for people like you to comprehend. This is the last one: my wavering mood. I only write when my mood is good. The problem is I never get in the mood.

I wish I could overcome those obstacles in this blog. I wish I am skillful in writing as Mr. Sedjatee or Uda Riki. I wish my English as fluent as Lady Nusantara or Princess of Bakongan (peace day :D). And I do really hope that my motivation to post my writing as high as Bunda Mahes. Almost forget, I also want to make my blog as cool as Kang Lurik blog’s.

So, this is it. My very first post say hello to this beautiful world (again). This is my new resolution in the 65th Independence Day of my beloved country -Indonesia Raya. Share my thought, my -not so- wisdom words. Just share. Unleash…!!!