Selasa, 17 Agustus 2010

Unleash: Hello World (again) XD

Well, it’s been a long time since my last time wrote an article in a blog. Actually, I’m not really good in writing, but I never stop to start one. Actually, I have a very unpleasant experience with a blog. Before I decide to publish this one, I’ve already have 5ive –if I don’t miscount. But, it’s always ended up lying waste. My plan was to split the topic into my five blog. Since I lack of motivation, none of it work out.

Besides of my lacking motivation, there are three main reasons that make my (previous) blog stop publishing, namely: my dullness in writing, my ungrammatical English, and my moody woodpecker. I’d love to write so many things, unfortunately my skill in writing is no better that a new born baby. Don’t blame me if you get lost in the jungle of my hilarious words. This one is the worst; I want to write a lot of articles in English yet my English is bad. If you still doesn’t understand –or still don’t get- what the heck I’m talking about. Yes. That’s what I mean. My English is out of reach. Bet it’s hard for people like you to comprehend. This is the last one: my wavering mood. I only write when my mood is good. The problem is I never get in the mood.

I wish I could overcome those obstacles in this blog. I wish I am skillful in writing as Mr. Sedjatee or Uda Riki. I wish my English as fluent as Lady Nusantara or Princess of Bakongan (peace day :D). And I do really hope that my motivation to post my writing as high as Bunda Mahes. Almost forget, I also want to make my blog as cool as Kang Lurik blog’s.

So, this is it. My very first post say hello to this beautiful world (again). This is my new resolution in the 65th Independence Day of my beloved country -Indonesia Raya. Share my thought, my -not so- wisdom words. Just share. Unleash…!!!

7 komentar:

  1. Pertamax di postingan sendiri..

  2. hehe...
    keep posting..
    tulisan itu bukan indah karena temanya..
    tapi karena ide antum...

    btw ane keduaX y?

  3. haha..
    iya nih gan..
    sering-sering mampir yak.. :D

  4. huwaaaaaaaa..... ada nama saya disini!!!

    dilink lagi!!! :D

    happy blogging! :P

  5. haha.. iya bunes..
    wait for my next post..
    it'll tell a whole story bout you..

  6. Wooo.. Bang Kerak juga di link..

  7. ya iya lah...
    secara Bang Kerak sesepuh PP12..
    nulis lagi dong bang..
    kangen nih ma tulisan ente yang hangat..
    wkwkwkwk.. :D
